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Soroptimist International

of Trenton and Downriver Area

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1644 Vernon Street
Trenton, MI  48183

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Soroptimist International of the Americas
1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103


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2024 Trenton and Downriver Area Soroptimists’ Annual Awards Banquet

Six women were recognized with monetary awards from the Trenton and Downriver Area Soroptimists for their ambition and contribution to their communities.  The awards banquet was held on February 27th at the Grecian Center in Southgate.  Some of the essay judges were in attendance to celebrate with the winners.  The applicants were evaluated on a set criteria and essays that assessed their contributions to women and society.

Soroptimist is an international organization of almost 1,500 clubs in nineteen countries for and by dedicated women who use their collective power to help other women and girls transform their physical, mental, and emotional lives and the lives of their families.  Trenton and Downriver Area Soroptimist is a volunteer group that offers service by way of fundraising and donations, public awareness/educational programs, and hands-on assistance; as well as presenting yearly monetary awards to individuals to help support and further their future. These women give their time and talents to local food pantries, Vista Maria, First Step, Sparrow Project, Stanford House, Alternatives for Girls, and to area women’s health institutions. They host annual charity fundraisers and programs such as “Save the Girls” motorcycle ride, “Save the Girls” charity golf outing, “Battle for Freedom,” and the “Dream It, Be It” program for adolescent girls.

The Virginia Wagner Educational Award is given to a woman aspiring to complete a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree to enable her to reach her career goals. Judging is based on a weighted criteria for judging that includes scholarship, extra-curricular activities, need, and effort toward education. The Virginia Wagner chairperson is Fallon Donovan.

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